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Ad ID: 17886 February 8, 2015 55 views


Staying Abroad? Let Balaji Healthcare Take Care of Your Parents Health.
For most Indians or NRI’s who live abroad or out of Mumbai; face constant worries about their parents and their health issues. Age brings with it, health related issues such as diabetes,blood pressure, heart ailments and related issues. Well, they too need daily care, routine checkups and other relatedhealthcare services, but with your unavailability, these things get can quite difficult and at times impossible. Considering such grim and worrying situation, Balaji Healthcare has arrived on the scene, offering you a wide range of health care services in Mumbai and Navi Mumbai exclusively for the aged parents.
Balaji Healthcare offers to carry out assigned task on weekly basis or as per your requirement. In case you require somebody to spend look after your senior relative most of the time you could go in for Balaji Healthcare as a Friendly Relative Service. The services team will include the following professionals and you have a option to take all these services or any one of them depending on your need.
1.Qualified RMO doctor
2.Qualified Physiotherapist
3.Qualified counselors
4.The following services / test are inclusive in monthly packages
a)CBC (For WBC and RBC counts)
b)PPBS (Post Lunch Sugar test)
c)FBS (Fasting Blood Sugar test)
d)Serum Creatine (Kidney functioning test)
e)Urine Routine (Check Urine Infection)
f)Blood Pressure checking
5.Ambulance equipped with following things (Doesn’t form part of monthly package and based on actual usage basis)
a)Oxygen cylinder
b)Emergency medicines and injections including saline bottles
c)ECG machine
d)Random Blood Sugar machine
Coming down toHealthcare Services for Elderswhich are most important and essential, Balaji Healthcare offers professional health services at your door step with home visit – weekly or as you choose. Additionally if they are very sick we will ensure to move them to our Hospital in our ambulances and ensure they are in great comfort and under our specialized doctors supervision. Weekly medical reports and visit reports are emailed to concerned relatives explaining health conditions.
Advantage of weekly checkup packages
Any sudden change in health condition can be seen by weekly monitoring of basic parameters
Any medical emergency and we will ensure our ambulance services are made available asap and the senior citizens are bought to our hospital for any medical emergencies
In case a senior citizen becomes redundant to do day to day activity due to any diseases or by virtue of old age, Balaji Healthcare will accommodate them in our Geriatric Care Centre (Oldage home with medical facilities) for life.
Balaji Healthcare specializes in taking care of people suffering from Alzheimer’s, Dementia, Parkinson disease people and also senior citizens who need medical attention

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