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Rs 650.00

Noni Fruit Juice

Ad ID: 6718 January 6, 2015 35 views


Noni Fruit Juice, is derived from the fruit of the Morinda Citrifolia tree Noni, is made from the pure extracts of the fruits of a medicinal plant.

Noni Fruit Juice is herbal and hence totally, a gift of Nature. It contains several health enhancing attributes that are antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, adaptagen, analgesic, anti-congestive, hypotensive, and has cancer-inhibiting compounds. It enhances cellular activity, the starting point of all nutritional metabolism.

What does Noni Fruit Juice Contain ?
Noni is rich Source of Vitamins A, C, E, B, B2, B6, B12, Calcium, Iron, Niacin, Folic Acid, Pantothenic Acid, Phos- phorus, Magnesuim, Zinc, Copper and other minerals like Chromium, Manganese, Molybdenum, Sodium, Potassium, Carbo-hydrates and 160 + isolated nutraceuticals.

Who can take Noni Fruit Juice ?
Anyone, young or old can. The benefits are universal and all can avail these benefits without fear, doubt or any side effects.

» Noni Fruit Juice Is exclusively formulated.
» Noni Fruit Juice backed by ongoing research.
» Noni Fruit Juice positioned in the fast growing segment of Wellness industry.
» Noni Fruit Juice Research led by a team of most committed and experienced scientists.

There are a lot of claims of the benefits of Noni Fruit Juice which includes its ability to fight cancer, lower cholesterol, increase energy, and to cause weight loss.

Buy Noni Fruit Juice Online in India:

Apollo Noni
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Mobile: + (91) 97 2345 5627

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